Thursday, September 17, 2015

                       Stunned Growth of Christianity in India

      It is clear that there has been no optimum growth of Christianity in India since the time immemorial. Dr. Ambedkar says that" it seems to me that there three reasons which have impeded the growth of Christianity. 
   The first of these reasons is the bad morals of the early European settlers in India particularly Englishmen who were sent to India by the East India Company. Of the character of the men who were sent out to India, Dr, B.R. Ambedkar quotes Mr. Kaye, an Apologist of the Company and also of its servants speaks in the the following terms in his " Christianity in India";
        " Doubtless there were some honest, decent men from the middle classes amongst them.....But many , it appears from contemporary writers , were Society's hard bargain---and from the bosom of which therefore they were to be cast out, in the hope that there would be no prodigals return from the " Great Indies". It was not to be expected that men who had disgraced themselves at home would lead more respectable lives abroad.
 " There were, in truth, no outward motives to preserve of conduct or even decency of demeanour ; so from the moment of their bonds which had restrained them in their native villages ;they regarded themselves as privileged beings- privileged to violate all the obligations of religion and morality and to outrage all the decencies of life.  They who went thither were often desperate adventurers , whom England , in the emphatic language of the Scripture, had spud out;men who sought those golden sands of the East to repair their broken fortunes; to buy in oblivion a sullied name; or to bring , with lawless hand from the weak and unsuspecting , wealth which they had not the character or capacity to obtain by industry at home.

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